Chromedia is used in industry, universities, hospitals, instrument and training companies.
From our list of members: Akzo Nobel, Shell, DSM, Friesland Foods, Sara Lee, Solvay, Shering Plough, ExxonMobil, Sasol ........ ; Universities: Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Tarragona, Lyon, Amsterdam, Groningen, Gent, Vienna, Pardubice, Messina, Seton Hall University, University of Waterloo, Virginia Tech, Laboratory School of Utrecht, Avans+ Breda, Axionlabs ....... ; Hospitals: Groningen, Deventer, Lisbon ......; Instrument companies: Waters, Agilent/Varian, Shimadzu, Phenomenex, Thermo ......... and many more join every month.
"Chromedia is a very useful dynamic web-based communication platform and teaching aid for both beginners and expert users. While beginners will probably use it like a textbook on modern analytical techniques complemented by features that are proprietary to computer-based systems, I find it valuable for experts to look up for some quick information on a specific topic, for instance a theory or a new technology.
This knowledge-base is growing daily and the breadth of topics that are already covered is amazing. The innovative computer-platform has unique features like simulations and keeps the system dynamic and thus up-to-date. I recommend to use Chromedia."
Prof. Wolfgang Lindner, University of Vienna.
“Chromedia is an innovative on-line tool for learning and review. Chromedia offers know-how and interactive tutorials plus a community infrastructure to communicate with peers. You can use Chromedia as an effective training tool for students and new employees or for review and staying up to date on techniques, columns, column choice and optimisation. No more books. ”
Prof. Harold McNair, Virginia Tech
"Chromedia è un innovativo sito interamente dedicato alla cromatografia, frutto del contributo dei più qualificati esperti in materia, puntualmente revisionato ed aggiornato secondo lo stato dell’arte della tecnica.
Facilmente e prontamente accessibile attraverso internet, il sistema offre un contenuto scientifico di altissima qualità e rigore, dai concetti di base alla conoscenza più avanzata, fruibile da chi pratica la cromatografia a tutti i livelli e da chi voglia tenersi al corrente dei più recenti sviluppi in fatto di colonne e tecnologie.
Chromedia rappresenta anche un efficace mezzo didattico e di addestramento per studenti e neofiti, sia in ambito universitario che industriale, attraverso il supporto di programmi (tutorials) interattivi ed una pronta consulenza teorico-pratica sulla tecnica, dalla scelta della fase stazionaria all’ottimizzazione del metodo. Un forum è inoltre a disposizione per chiunque desideri sottoporre questioni tecniche o scambiare informazioni in materia, o per gli scienziati che volessero arricchire i contenuti di questa fonte unica di informazione indipendente ed attendibile."
Prof. Luigi Mondello, Università degli Studi di Messina
"If you are a student, an occasional or a high level analytical scientist, Chromedia, by a simple click, provides a convivial access to the whole of basic and advanced knowledge. All the information that you will find in Chromedia is drawn and updated by experts and you could either discuss with or be one of them if you want."
Dr. Sabine Heinisch, University of Lyon
"Chromedia is made to improve their personal performance and the quality of their community. It is a unique source of dependable and independent information with a very accessible presentation. Moreover Chromedia is a community which invites its members to actively participate. See it as your new highly qualified colleague in the lab."
Prof. Peter Schoenmakers, University of Amsterdam
Chromedia es un producto en línea concebido por expertos en cromatografía con la finalidad de proporcionar información, facilitar el intercambio de experiencias profesionales y ayudar a mejorar el nivel medio de los usuarios de las técnicas de separación. Se trata de una herramienta útil tanto para los estudiantes universitarios como para los técnicos de las empresas que se inician en el uso de las técnicas de separación. Incluye revisiones de temas diversos y permite estar al día en innovaciones y nuevos productos. Se trata de un foro de usuarios de la cromatografía de fácil acceso y utilización abierto a todos aquellos que quieran colaborar en su implementación y ampliación.
Prof. M.T.Galceran, Universidad de Barcelona
”We are developing Chromedia for you: the analytical scientists in the university and industrial laboratory environment in need for know-how and a desire to deliver optimal performance. We focused on practice: so you will have expertise always at arms length, for immediate look-up, for review, for feedback.”
Prof. Hans-Gerd Janssen, Unilever
“Chromedia is more than a website. It is a destination which contains the universe of analytical knowledge and information. It is a great place to update your knowledge. It is ideal for everyone from novice to expert. At Axion Training Institute, we have found Chromedia to be a great resource for us, as we transfer knowledge to all who have a professional need to know more on analytical techniques.”
Dr. Lee N. Polite. Axionlabs.